…you’re in for a big surprise! Actually these two look a bit surprised by the brown bear. It looks like the brown bear, let’s call him Jeff, it looks like Jeff farted, and the other two, Roly and Bob, are trying to inch slowly away. This is one of the pictures that DH took, focused beautifully, don’t you think? Not sure he set the shot up to its best advantage, but you know what they say – never work with children or animals, or tiny crochet teddies.

I’m loving making these anyway. They are to send to an organisation called Lisa’s Stars, a charity which makes and distributes teeny teddies, blankets and clothes for babies born too soon. They really are tiny:

Lisa’s Stars provide clothes and blankets for babies born too prematurely to fit in to anything that you can buy, and also help parents to make memory boxes

They are so quick to make, I’m going to whip up a bunch and send them off. As usual I didn’t read the instructions, and they like pastel colours, Jeff will have to stay with me at the mercy of Betty and Iris.

Jeff, the newest member of the family

The Lisa’s Stars website has some patterns available for download, but I believe they are all knitted patterns. This crochet one was sent to me by a lovely Mumsnetter. If you have some time and some yarn do make something, make a difference.

4 thoughts on “If you go down to the woods today…

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