Mumsnet BlogFest was bought to you by…

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I’ve never written a sponsored post, and this isn’t one (though I am not adverse to them if someone wants to send me something nice…) but this is a post mentioning the sponsors from Mumsnet BlogFest. Yes, I am still going on about the awesomeness that was Mumsnet BlogFest. One of the reasons it was so awesome is that it was a bargain. Earlybird tickets were £50, going up to £75 nearer the event. For that amount you got a fantastic view from Millbank Tower, cakes and pastries from Beverly Hills Bakery, Innocent Smoothies, fab buffet lunch. You had your Caitlin Morans, your Liz Jones’s, your Tim Dowlings. You had lots of prosecco courtesy of Pizza Express, and cheese from the fantastically named British Cheese British. Anyway, without the sponsors of BlogFest the event would have been prohibitively expensive. So, I thought as courtesy I would write a short post giving them a quick mention, but rather than a sycophantic “I love you Portland Hospital” post (the chances of me ever coming into contact with the Portland again are very slim) I thought I would just post a quick fun fact on each of the companies. Wooo yeah, it’s rocking chez Dilly!

Google’s unofficial motto is “Don’t Be Evil”

Skoda is one of the four oldest companies that started producing cars

Portland Hospital
Each one of the Spice Girls had their babies at the Portland. The Portland also gave me a couple of Portly Pandas for the girls, which they loved.


Boden, the sartorial church of the middle class mummy, initially launched with eight menswear products

Before becoming a massive consumer electronics company Nintendo ran Japanese Love Hotels. Yes, they are exactly what they sound like

The Times
The Times was founded in 1785 and is the originator of Times Roman typeface

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Don’t say I don’t never teach you nuffin.

Live to blog, blog to live

Yesterday I spent the day at Mumsnet Blogfest. I expect today there will loads of posts from various bloggers about the panels, and the cakes, and meeting lots of other bloggers, and I’m sure I’ll get some mileage out of it for a while. But today my overwhelming feeling is that of defensiveness about this blogging life I lead.

Liz Jones, journalist of the Daily Mail, and long time Mumsnet and mum hater was on the panel talking about public vs private lives. Jones has infamously spilled her guts on everything, including her marriage breakup and keeping a condom full of sperm which she planned to inseminate herself with.

Geraldine Bedell, who chaired the panel, asked Miss Jones if she ever regretted anything she had written “Yeah, all of it” she said, without a trace of humour. She described having a nervous breakdown every time she presses send on one of her articles, and how there have been times when she has engineers situations or made decisions that have resulted in chaos because she knew she would get good copy out of it. A journalist owes it to the public to put it all out there, she argued.

Predictably, Liz Jones has today written an article criticising Mumsnet bloggers for writing about parenthood and cakes, and how we are wasting our freedom of speech on topics such as knitting and chocolate. What is more, people on my beloved Mumsnet itself are also deriding bloggers and agreeing with Jones, conveniently ignoring that blogging, like Mumsnet, is just another forum for expression and socialising, built primarily around our role as mothers.

The Internet has been a democratising force for women. Before it became mainstream, the main female voices to be heard were the select few in politics and the media, and even then those voices were chosen and carefully controlled by the patriarchal constructs of government and mass media. Now anyone, even a mum feeling stuck at home with kids, can put their message out there for all to see, and can find other like minded people, regardless of geography. This is both a good and bad thing as it has been a democratising force for all, meaning that even those with views outside the social norms, views that the majority find repugnant, can find a space online to reinforce those views and create their own social norms.

Freedom of speech means we can talk about what the hell we like. Liz Jones doesn’t get to choose what we write about, and quite frankly I’d rather read about someone having their eyeball pulled out with a pencil than any of her self obsessed drivel about her horses and how everyone hates her. Liz derided Mumsnet bloggers for not doing more. Clearly she missed out on the bit about doing research at journalism school, as she didn’t have to look too far on Mumsnet to find the We Believe You campaign, the Better Miscarriage Care Campaign, or Mumsnet Woolly Hugs. All these campaigns have been massively supported by Mumsnet Bloggers.

The term ‘mummybloggers’ is a phrase used by the mainstream media to deride women having their say. Yes, some people blog about their children and family life, in doing so they share experiences with other women, and provide relief to people stuck in the often lonely world of parenting, where you are afraid to speak the truth about how you feel about this often sacred role. But for a many of us, being a mum is incidental to what we write about, but inevitably spills onto the page, so huge a part of our lives is being a parent.

It’s easy to attack Liz Jones for taking her stance on Mumsnet and mums when she is child free herself. Comments on the article accuse her of being jealous and not understanding because she doesn’t have kids. These may seem like low blows, but she is the one who brings that chip on her shoulder to the table. She is the one who talks about the ‘queasy feeling in her empty womb’, she is the one who came to Mumsnet Blogfest and then proceeded to criticise us all of the triviality of what we do. She is the one with a powerful platform, a voice with which she could do so much, yet she chooses to use it look down on people who are different from her, and to bleat on about her own self inflicted misery. If she thinks bloggers aren’t using their voices for good then she is not looking very far, and probably needs to concentrate on her own back yard first.

I think we as bloggers can learn a very powerful lesson from Liz Jones. No, not that we should be blogging about more than good housekeeping, nor that we should keep quiet about the realities of motherhood. I think we should look to Liz as a sign of what we can become if we share too much of our lives on our blogs. Liz Jones has alienated her neighbours, and systematically written nearly every person out of her life, driven them away by her insistence on sharing every detail and every thought she has. She appeared yesterday to be a sad shell of a woman, by her own admission a nastier, unemotional person, who relishes the disasters in her life as opportunities for good copy. We should consider that when we blog about our children and our husbands, and ourselves. While it is good to share, it’s also good to edit, so you don’t end up writing your friends and family out of your life.

Trains, planes and automobiles

Well, I am starting my pilgrimage to Mumsnet Blogfest, which is taking in a bus ride, a train ride, a car ride, overnight pitstop at hotel Mummy Dilly (mints on pillow not included. In fact I will be lucky if there is any food at all. I have bought my own granola and banana for breakfast. I’m a creature of habit.) Then, if Mummy Dilly isn’t massively offended by the above, another car ride, then a train to Victoria. All this to travel a mere 200 miles or so.

Anyway, I’m super excited. I have with me 2 outfits which I am going to consult with Mummy Dilly on. Despite having herself the sartorial habits of a teenage art student, albeit with more expensive taste, she is a pretty good judge of these things.

I’m pretty nervous. I’m going to be hopefully meeting a whole bunch of Internet sprite friends. I my head it is a quiet gathering of just those I want to meet, however I not even sure of the numbers of people coming.

Information that I have been sent tells me that as well as pastries and Innocent Smoothies in the morning and a hot buffet lunch, in both the morning and afternoon breaks there will be cakes from the Beverley Hills Bakery. So all I can think of is food now, sod the amazing speakers, like Caitlin Moran and Miriam Gonzales Durantez.

The day finishes with wine and cheese. Note to self: don’t drink too much wine, it makes you an exaggerated version of yourself causing you to speak even more and even faster than normal.

So, expect lots of blogging about the conference, probably peppered with annoying in jokes for those who were there, to make those who weren’t insanely jealous (or think “Thank god I missed that bunch of twats…”).

There is also a competition involving the best post about one of the conference sponsors, so yep, expect one of those coming your way. Hey, a girl’s gotta get it where she can.

So, to all those in the cool crowd see you tomorrow. The rest of you losers will just have to read about it.