So, feels like it’s been a long time, even though it’s only been about a week. Surprisingly, my blog feels like the one place where I don’t want to speak unless I have something interesting to say. If only it were true in real life. You wouldn’t believe the number of draft blog posts I have started and discarded, because I thought they were boring. You have dodged the bullet on posts about my Tupperware cupboard, smells I like and why I hate FaceBook. Some of you have said such nice things about my writing, I have a reputation to uphold now,

Things have also been quiet on the crafting front. I’ve been dabbling, working towards a big yarn bomb project, and a possible table at the school summer fete.

The other big thing I am working towards is a beginners crochet class I am planning on running in a couple of weeks. Don’t get too excited, I only just out the poster up today (sick child scuppering my plans for doing it earlier) so no one might even sign up, but keep your fingers crossed for me.

Any, my plan for the class is to teach my attendees to crochet a phone case. Everyone has a mobile phone right? And a case would be super easy. So, I thought it would be a good opportunity to give my iPhone a summer makeover. I have some ghastly looking coral acrylic yarn, which actually looks quite cool rocking a palm tree tropicale style. What do you think?

Looking hot baby, yeah!

5 thoughts on “iPhone summer makeover

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