A while ago I posted about some works in progress. I finally finished my blanket-turned-lampshade-cover, and I do rather like it. The original lampshade was gold, and when the light was on the gold showed through and didn’t look right. I searched for ages for a white one in the usual places, Homebase, B&Q, Wilkos, Argos (yeah, we’re high end in this house!). But eventually eBay was to become my saviour, and a lampshade was swiftly delivered from The Lighting Warehouse. I crocheted the squares together essentially into a bandeau, no gluing, sewing or fixing. The crochet is just slipped over the shade.

It’s on a rather ugly uplighter at the moment, but I’m going to keep an eye out for a nice base.

MeMe Rose also wonders if she will ever make a blanket, and settles for a lampshade instead

My inspiration was from MeMe Rose, who is  soon going to think I am stalking her (the Irises I linked to previously were hers). She has enviable amounts of crochet in her house – well, I’m envious anyway!

12 thoughts on “Trip the light fantastic

  1. Wow, that’s gorgeous! How do you keep it from catching on fire though, in case the lamp gets too hot? Just curious.

    You are pretty talented Dilly, I can tell you right now, if I’d attempted that, there would be more blood on that beautiful white wool than those lovely flowers 🙂

  2. Hmm that’s so weird, I thought I already commented on this post… Oh well 🙂 Just wanted to drop by again and thank you for the comment on my latest blog post – I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair 😀 Thanks for the encouragement, I’ll get right to froggin’ 😉

  3. Started a very similar blanket and it’s going well. Can’t decide if I prefer the two colours with white or the three coloured option. I’ve noticed the darker colours really jump out in the three coloured squares.

  4. Hi, my name’s Suzy and I’m part of the DotComGiftShop team.

    We love your crocheted lampshade and wanted to let you know we’ve included it in our post ‘Gorgeous Upcycled Furniture’. You can see the post here:


    I hope you don’t mind being part of this article. If you do, let us know and we’ll remove your site immediately.

    We also wanted to invite you to become part of the DotComGiftShop Blog Network.

    If you are interested in finding out more, then please drop me a line.

    Best wishes


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